Ascending Tip Goal
Ascending Order Tipgoal
How to play:
The goal always starts at 1 token, tip in ascending order (Example: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ......) until the required amount of tokens has been reached. The required amount of tokens can be changed in the App Settings. It can also be changed by command. When the goal has been reached the broadcaster is supposed to perform the goal !
Commands: (These commands can only be used by broadcaster and mods)
/setgoaldesc - "Changes Goal Description" - "Example Usage: /setgoaldesc spank my pussy"
/setamt - "Changes the required amount of tokens to reach" - "Example usage: /setamt 200"
/addtags - "Replaces the hashtags in the room (Max 5 tags !)" - "Example Usage: /addtags #horny #fuckmachine #asian"
/resetgoal - "Resets the Goal"
My recommendation:
Be careful to not set the goal too high. If you set the goal amount to 50 you will earn a total amount of 1275 tokens (If you're able to reach the goal) So do not set the goal to something like 5000 because no matter who you are, you will never reach the goal if you put 5000 because it would require a total amount of 12502500 tokens to reach the goal. Be smart and play safe ! Enjoy the app !
Before reporting that Tokens Earned is not working in the draw panel you should know that it does not show all tokens earned. It shows how much tokens you have earned by using this app. Until the goal has been reached or until you reset goal or restart app.
So, if a user tip 1 token and than 2 tokens and then 100 tokens. It will show Tokens Earned 3 so this is how it is supposed to be. So this is not bugged. All working fine !
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