Short Description:
Custom app made for Angelxdark
Full Description
*Supports Anonymous tipping*
- Custom App Panel
- Lovense Levels (Normal, Special and Random)
- Single and Multi (Repeating) Goals.
- Gender Icon for users and custom icon for broadcaster and mod's
- Font Weight for Bot Messages (Bold/Normal)
- Auto Tip Timers (set a custom tip items with auto timer started when someone tips for them!)
- Ticket Show built in (run Ticket Show without having to start another bot!)
- New Follower notifications (recieve a notification in room when user follows you!)
- Auto answer PM Demands
- Tip Titles (display user total tip in username)
- 3 Custom Club's (can include chaturbate(green) fanclub users)
- New and Updated Color themes (customizable)
- Custom wordlist (block certain words or phrases)
- On-demand notices (Crazy Note)
- Timer in minutes
- Tip Menu 40 items (display Horizontal or Vertical)
- Thank you tip messages (can be sent privately)
- Leaderboard
- VIP List
- All Time Tip King
- Daily King tipper
- Nicknames
- Rotating notifier
- Whispers
------------------- Ticket Show -------------------
- /ticketprice x --- Change Ticket Show price to x value
- /ticketshow x y --- Start the feature where 'x' is a countdown in minutes and 'y' is description of the show
- EXAMPLE: /ticketshow 30 play with dildo. This will start a timer for 30 minutes and show name is 'play with dildo'
- /startshow --- Hides your cam and starts the show (only ticket holders can watch)
- /resetshow : Reset the show without deleting ticket holders
- /stopshow : Stop the ticket show feature and remove all ticket holders
- /addticket user : Add user to the ticket holders list *Usable by moderators*
- /removeticket user : Remove user from the ticket holders list *Usable by moderators*
- /ticketlist : List all the ticket holders.
------------------- Custom Clubs -------------------
- /club1 on/off --- Turn CUSTOM CLUB on or off
- /club1tip on/off --- Turn the feature TIP TO JOIN CUSTOM CLUB on or off
- /club1add user --- Adds CUSTOM CLUB member
- /club1remove user --- Removes CUSTOM CLUB member
- /club1members --- List of CUSTOM CLUB members
- /changeclub1icon --- Changes Custom Icon (currently is: :customfanclub1
------------------- Wish List and Auto Tip Timers -------------------
- /wishlist , /wishlistdonations , /showtimers
------------------- Room Control -------------------
- /greyson , /greysoff , /silencelevel , /graphiclevel , /silence , /unsilence , /silencelast
------------------- Timer -------------------
- /starttimer , /stoptimer , /addtime , /minustime , /timeleft
------------------- Crazy Notice -------------------
- /cn , /cnd , /cndh , /cnh , /bc , /tm , /tbm , /tv
------------------- Rotating Notices -------------------
- /addnotice , /removenotice , /shownotices , /noticetimer , /notifierspam
------------------- Personal Messages -------------------
- /whisper , /reply , /ignore , /unignore , /ignorelevel
------------------- Users Control -------------------
- /emod , /addnice , /removenice , /addgrey , /removegrey , /addword
------------------- VIP List Commands -------------------
- /viplist , /addvip , /removevip , /export
------------------- Nicknames -------------------
- /nickmod , /nickname , /nicknames
------------------- Tip Menu -------------------
- /tipmenu , /tipmenutoggle (/tmt) , /tipmenunotifiertoggle (/tmnt) , /tipmenumessagetoggle (/tmmt)
------------------- Leaderboard and King notices -------------------
- /leaderboard , /leaderboardspam , /kingspam
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