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비공개 채팅
규칙: 스팸은 허용하지 않습니다. 캠 호스트에게 무리한 요구를 하지 마십시오. 이 방과 충돌할 다른 방이나 웹사이트를 언급하지 마십시오. 캠 보기와 관련된 논란이나 무례한 게시물을 올리지 마십시오. 공개 채팅에서 이메일 주소를 게시하지 마십시오.
다음 방으로 이동하려면 Ctrl+/를 누르세요. 후원을 보내려면 Ctrl+S를 누르거나 "/tip 25"를 입력하세요. 이모티콘을 비활성화하거나 자동 완료 설정을 조정하려면 위의 '기어' 탭을 클릭하세요.
my long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long string
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비공개 채팅
규칙: 스팸은 허용하지 않습니다. 캠 호스트에게 무리한 요구를 하지 마십시오. 이 방과 충돌할 다른 방이나 웹사이트를 언급하지 마십시오. 캠 보기와 관련된 논란이나 무례한 게시물을 올리지 마십시오. 공개 채팅에서 이메일 주소를 게시하지 마십시오.
다음 방으로 이동하려면 Ctrl+/를 누르세요. 후원을 보내려면 Ctrl+S를 누르거나 "/tip 25"를 입력하세요. 이모티콘을 비활성화하거나 자동 완료 설정을 조정하려면 위의 '기어' 탭을 클릭하세요.
my long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long stringmy long string
팬클럽 가입

Alyssia_oceann님의 정보 및 무료 웹캠

출생일:24 grudnia 1986
I Am:A Woman
관심사:Kobiety, Mężczyźni, Pary, Trans
지역:Bogota D.C., Colombia
지난 방송:13 godzin temu
자기 소개:

  • Welcome to my Bio

      • About me

        Hi! My name is alyssia_ocean.

        My room is an extremely passionate and sensual place filled with mistery, desire and a lot of fun.
        I love exploring my sexuality and chatting with nice people here.
        I'am very open and permisive person, ho love to be on front of the webcam and make you crazy with my body and my top show.

        I don't like negativity. I'am doing my best to smile and make your day a little bit better while you are in my room, so please play along and look at the bright side.
        I believe that I'm different and that I will find a way to make it worth your while spending time with me, if you only let me.

        Your support and love make my dreams come true, and for this I THANK YOU.

    • My Room Rules

      I have a few rules, but they are very important for me.

      1. Plz don't be rude
      2. Tip for request
      3. Be polite funny and interesting
      4. Don't beg me to show you something
      5. If you like me, lets enjoy every minute together
      6. Don't break site rules

    • My Tip Menu

        PM -- 16 tokens

        Air Kiss -- 11 tokens

        Spank ass -- 25 tokens

        Make me Smile -- 31 tokens

        Day off -- 6666 tokens

        Show ass -- 38 tokens

        White DILDO RIDE -- 222 tokens

        Black DILDO RIDE -- 233 tokens

        Whatsapp + nudes + video -- 2500 tokens

        Custom video -- 999 tokens

        Oilshow -- 450 tokens

        MY KING AND MODERATOR -- 1499 tokens

        LOVELY TIP -- 2222 tokens

        Dreamtip -- 5555 tokens

    To support:

    • My Schedules

      Monday - 06:00 AM to 14:00 PM CO time

      Tuesday - 06:00 AM to 14:00 PM PM CO time

      Wednesday - 06:00 AM to 14:00 PM CO time

      Thursday - 06:00 AM to 14:00 PM CO time

      Friday - 06:00 AM to 14:00 PM CO time

      Saturday - 06:00 AM to 14:00 PM CO time

      Sunday - Sometimes

    • Top Tippers

      • Username 1

        Username 2

        Username 3

        Username 4

        Username 5

        Username 6

        Username 7

        Username 8

        Username 9

        Username 10

      • Username 11

        Username 12

        Username 13

        Username 14

        Username 14

        Username 16

        Username 17

        Username 18

        Username 19

        Username 20

    • My Sales Videos
      • Video Title

        xxx tokens

      • Video Title

        xxx tokens

      • Video Title

        xxx tokens

      • Tip 1000 to let me know if you want custom videos

  • All rights reserved 2021 (c) alyssia_ocean. Any Unauthorized use of my profile, video, pictures or media content, in any form, now or in the future is NOT Permissible, without expressed written consent. Any act to promote or gain profit in any manner (e.g. either monetarily or socially) from the use of my profile, video, pictures or media content in any form from my profile is a violation of my privacy and subject to legal action.
    By Reading This - You acknowledge and agree that you shall not post, upload, publish, transmit or make available content of this page including images and recording stream from my online activity and make available for download.
    This is intended as, and presented as a one time, one view presentation Only. You are Not Allowed to record my cam, or take snapshots of my cam. Penalties of Copyright Infringement. By reproducing, republishing or redistributing the work of a Copyright Holder without permission, You may be violating website's Terms and Conditions
